WAVE Solutions
From two-way radios to smartphones, laptops to landlines, tablets to rugged handhelds, WAVE solutions let your users use the devices they already have and the networks they already subscribe to connect and talk to others both inside and outside of your communications environment.
Enables highly scalable, feature rich,enterprise grade push-to-talk (PTT) on broadband networks and devices so that critical, time- sensitive information flows quickly and securely between mobile workers, teams and citizens.

Turn Your Apple
or Android Device into a Multi-Channel
PTT Handset
Not everyone needs or wants to carry a radio handset. But they do want instant,
secure access to important, often mission-critical communications wherever
they are located.
With a WAVE Mobile Communicator installed on a smartphone, tablet or custom handheld, any user can access PTT communications from any location, talking with groups of other users or individuals as required. Mapping, presence and channel activity monitoring improve situational awareness for everyone.
Access PTT
Communications from Your Desktop PC
You’re not a mobile worker in the field responding to events and service calls,
but you’re there to provide support from headquarters, a communications center
or a remote location. Let’s turn your desktop PC into a PT T communications
WAVE Dispatch Communicator is the industry’s most trusted IP dispatch console, having earned the respect of customers in the defense, federal government, public safety organizations, and corporations worldwide
Dispatch Communicator is a state-of-the-art IP dispatch console system designed for critical communications dispatch applications. Built on WAVE, the industry’s original and only pure software communications interoperability platform, Dispatch Communicator employs the latest Voice-over-IP (VoIP) and Radio-over-IP (RoIP) technology to provide the console operator with full dispatch functionality via an intuitive, easy-to-use desktop client running on a single, industry-standard PC.